Saturday, November 10, 2007

dis appearance



and disappears

with you

Thursday, November 8, 2007


I am

I am the sensual experience

I am the thoughts arising and dissapating

I am the emotions mingling with these

I am the addictions

I am

Everything is impermanent but the I am

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


You don't belong anywhere

Everywhere belongs in you

Sunday, November 4, 2007

seeing through the matrix

It really is a matrix we humans live within.

Our human experience and the matrix and everything else experienced as consciousness appear in the field of awareness which is closer to what we are beyond the temporary fabrications of creation.

While experiencing life here in the matrix those who are nearer to realizing their true nature naturally desire all creatures to exist in harmony. They choose their best approach, and are fluid in their choices to help make harmony the greater experience in this hologram.

Being fluid is to allow the Way. To allow the Way is to allow everything to be, including evil. Allowing evil doesn't mean we don't open a way for goodness. Allowing evil is just a first step in recognizing what evil is in our personal matrix without recoiling from, and hiding that evil. To allow it is to recognize it fully so as to be able to move accordingly from that fullness of awareness.

Evil is merely a temporary ignorance of our true nature. It only has a seeming reality within the matrix which is also a temporary energetic phenomenon. If we experience good and evil then that is how we temporarily see ourselves. When the battle between good and evil is seen through (allowed to be as it is) and we pass through that energetic experience then we are closer to our true nature.

We are each one of us powerful microcosms. These are some pointers toward how we can overcome this apocolypse we are in the midst of. It begins with looking within manifestation (our own manifested selves) and uncovering the Jewel that is at the heart of it all. From that energetic understanding we can allow the Way to manifest through our freed selves.

"I am conscious of"

"I am conscious"

"I am"


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

i am a fractal universe

How do you like all of this infinite feeling? Aren't all of the endless varieties of flavours mixing into your body-mind exquisite? I walk, I feel, I touch, taste, smell, hear, see, cognize everything appearing before me. Everything is a fire of aliveness assailing this separate-entity-experience with the flowing patterns of Oneself. Across the road, a metallic object patterned from the self-same intelligent life-force that I am tastes itself inside of me through all of the available senses. This intimacy for you and me makes life a fragile event of cosmic dancing and we are all together a fractal universe, a joyous celebration of livingness happening now and now and now.....

Monday, October 15, 2007


'These things' are what you think you are

'Those things' are what you think you're not

Both are phantoms

john wheeler quote

"There are no realized persons, since the whole point is to see that you have never been a person at all. So in seeing this, who is left with any characteristics to speak of? You are pure non-conceptual awareness itself, which is not a body, mind, person or any other concept, idea or thing. You are "no thing". So what attributes does "no thing" have or need? No-thing does not mean a vacuum or void. In spite of being no thing, you ARE. And what you are is aware. And what you are is perfectly whole, complete, adequate, untouched, beyond manifestation and at peace. This is also the source of life, energy and intelligence of all that appears. There are many pointers to what you are. All are inadequate because you are not a word!"

returning to presence

When your mind follows something that you see or hear, like being carried away in thought upon hearing a conversation, what do you do to return to presence?

Here are some things to do:

Place the attention on the breath, it fills the inner space, and returns to outer space.

Put the focus on sight and touch by viewing your bare foot on the ground and feeling the earth beneath;

Listen to the source behind all sounds.

Catch fragrances, even the most subtle, moving through the air as they enter your nostrils and mouth;

Feel the energy of the breath course through your body, massaging it from within;

Smile, close your eyes, and follow the breaths deeper and deeper into your body and beyond;

Walk gently observing the intimacy of your body within and without, and dissolve the boundaries of sensation

Sunday, October 14, 2007

picking and choosing (inspired by the hsin hsin ming)

The natural way precludes picking and choosing.

Assuming a position, following one thing in preference over another, the way appears to be hidden.

By allowing things to be as they are, I disappear into nothingness.

There is no me, just this.

As it is, without artifice.

I am free

Friday, October 12, 2007

what's the matter?

Does anything here matter? Sure it does, in as much as it is matter. But what is matter? When we look at it closely we see that matter is a dance of energetic patterns forever arising from an unknown source, appearing out of nowhere and returning to nowhere. Nothing stays constant in this eruption of matter. Nothing permanent exists. So does anything really matter? Only in as much as it is matter. Can you make it matter? You can try all you want but as soon as you think something matters it changes and trying to cling to it you find you cannot make it last. Matter always changes. Why grasp at phantoms? You are the seeing of matter's endless change. At the heart of all this is what you are.


